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  • Writer's pictureHelping Irish Hosts

Celebrate Refugee Week 2024 with us!

Refugee Week is the world’s largest arts and culture festival that celebrates the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary across the world. This year, Ireland will join the celebration, hosting the second Irish Refugee Week from 17th-23rd June.

This year's theme for Refugee Week is ‘Home’. Home has many meanings for a displaced person and the uncertainty and instability of what home looks like is felt strongly by those seeking refuge all over the world. What is certain is the power we have as host communities to show compassion and solidarity, while ensuring Ireland is a welcoming home for refugees.

That’s exactly what hosts all across Ireland have shown over the past two years in opening our hearts and homes to welcome Ukrainians. Hosting provides a displaced person with the best possible chance of integrating into their new surroundings, to find their feet and start to rebuild their lives, bit by bit. It’s a roof over their head, a room of their own, a key to the front door, the support of a friendly host. It is somewhere to call ‘home’ and the foundations from which to begin their lives here.

All throughout this week, we’ll be sharing stories from our hosts and guests about the impact hosting has had for them and their families. Follow along on our social media!

Beyond hosting, there are many ways to get involved and show solidarity to refugees in your community. Learn more about Refugee Week or find an event near you here.

Here are some actions you can take to get involved in supporting refugees:

Educate yourself

  • Schools of Sanctuary has created a helpful guide to terms and facts about migration. 

  • The UNHCR is a United Nations Refugee Agency dedicated to saving lives and protecting the rights of refugees and forcibly displaced communities.

  • Watch a film to learn more about the experience of migrants - 

  • The Hope and Courage Collective works with community groups, advocacy groups, trade unions, activists and academics to stop hate organising in our communities.

Volunteer your time & skills

  • The Irish Refugee Council provides services and support for people seeking protection and those recognised as refugees in Ireland.

  • I-VOL is Ireland’s volunteer development organisation and offers various volunteer opportunities in every county.

  • Fáilte Isteach is a community project involving predominantly older volunteers welcoming migrants through conversational English classes. There are classes for different abilities available all across the country.

  • MASI is an independent platform for people seeking asylum in Ireland to promote justice, freedom and dignity for all asylum seekers and refugees. You can support asylum seekers and refugees in your community through taking part in their various initiatives.

Join an event or club

  • The Sanctuary Runners enable Irish residents to run alongside, and in solidarity with, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees to promote positivity and respect while bringing awareness to the migration system. If you love fitness and helping people in your community, this could be great opportunity for you!

Share positive & inclusive messages online

  • Watch and share this inspirational video by Action Aid Ireland. It showcases the beauty of diversity in our country - Together, we are stronger

Together, we can make our communities more welcoming and inclusive to help refugees to feel at home.

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